VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010. Author: Balazs Forian-Szabo
This file implements VibratoBrackets
that renders vibrato effect between two notes.
import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Element } from './element';
import { Vibrato } from './vibrato';
To enable logging for this class. Set Vex.Flow.VibratoBracket.DEBUG
to true
function L(...args) { if (VibratoBracket.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.VibratoBracket', args); }
export class VibratoBracket extends Element {
bracket_data = { start: Vex.Flow.Note (optional) stop: Vex.Flow.Note (optional) }; Either the stop or start note must be set, or both of them. A null value for the start or stop note indicates that the vibrato is drawn from the beginning or until the end of the stave accordingly.
constructor(bracket_data) {
this.setAttribute('type', 'VibratoBracket');
this.start = bracket_data.start;
this.stop = bracket_data.stop;
this.line = 1;
this.render_options = {
harsh: false,
wave_height: 6,
wave_width: 4,
wave_girth: 2,
Set line position of the vibrato bracket
setLine(line) { this.line = line; return this; }
setHarsh(harsh) { this.render_options.harsh = harsh; return this; }
Draw the vibrato bracket on the rendering context
draw() {
const ctx = this.context;
const y = (this.start)
? this.start.getStave().getYForTopText(this.line)
: this.stop.getStave().getYForTopText(this.line);
If start note is not set then vibrato will be drawn from the beginning of the stave
const start_x = (this.start)
? this.start.getAbsoluteX()
: this.stop.getStave().getTieStartX();
If stop note is not set then vibrato will be drawn until the end of the stave
const stop_x = (this.stop)
? this.stop.getAbsoluteX() - this.stop.getWidth() - 5
: this.start.getStave().getTieEndX() - 10;
this.render_options.vibrato_width = stop_x - start_x;
L('Rendering VibratoBracket: start_x:', start_x, 'stop_x:', stop_x, 'y:', y);
Vibrato.renderVibrato(ctx, start_x, y, this.render_options);