VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


This class implements vibratos.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';
import { Bend } from './bend';

export class Vibrato extends Modifier {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'vibratos'; }

Static Methods

Arrange vibratos inside a ModifierContext.

  static format(vibratos, state, context) {
    if (!vibratos || vibratos.length === 0) return false;

Vibratos are always on top.

    let text_line = state.top_text_line;
    let width = 0;
    let shift = state.right_shift - 7;

If there’s a bend, drop the text line

    const bends = context.getModifiers(Bend.CATEGORY);
    if (bends && bends.length > 0) {

Format Vibratos

    for (let i = 0; i < vibratos.length; ++i) {
      const vibrato = vibratos[i];
      width += vibrato.getWidth();
      shift += width;

    state.right_shift += width;
    state.top_text_line += 1;
    return true;

Prototype Methods

  constructor() {
    this.setAttribute('type', 'Vibrato');

    this.position = Modifier.Position.RIGHT;
    this.render_options = {
      harsh: false,
      vibrato_width: 20,
      wave_height: 6,
      wave_width: 4,
      wave_girth: 2,

  getCategory() { return Vibrato.CATEGORY; }
  setHarsh(harsh) { this.render_options.harsh = harsh; return this; }
  setVibratoWidth(width) {
    this.render_options.vibrato_width = width;
    return this;

  draw() {
    const ctx = this.checkContext();

    if (!this.note) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoNoteForVibrato', "Can't draw vibrato without an attached note.");

    const start = this.note.getModifierStartXY(Modifier.Position.RIGHT, this.index);

    const vx = start.x + this.x_shift;
    const vy = this.note.getYForTopText(this.text_line) + 2;

    Vibrato.renderVibrato(ctx, vx, vy, this.render_options);

Static rendering method that can be called from other classes (e.g. VibratoBracket)

  static renderVibrato(ctx, x, y, opts) {
    const { harsh, vibrato_width, wave_width, wave_girth, wave_height } = opts;
    const num_waves = vibrato_width / wave_width;


    let i;
    if (harsh) {
      ctx.moveTo(x, y + wave_girth + 1);
      for (i = 0; i < num_waves / 2; ++i) {
        ctx.lineTo(x + wave_width, y - (wave_height / 2));
        x += wave_width;
        ctx.lineTo(x + wave_width, y + (wave_height / 2));
        x += wave_width;
      for (i = 0; i < num_waves / 2; ++i) {
        ctx.lineTo(x - wave_width, (y - (wave_height / 2)) + wave_girth + 1);
        x -= wave_width;
        ctx.lineTo(x - wave_width, (y + (wave_height / 2)) + wave_girth + 1);
        x -= wave_width;
    } else {
      ctx.moveTo(x, y + wave_girth);
      for (i = 0; i < num_waves / 2; ++i) {
        ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + (wave_width / 2), y - (wave_height / 2), x + wave_width, y);
        x += wave_width;
        ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + (wave_width / 2), y + (wave_height / 2), x + wave_width, y);
        x += wave_width;

      for (i = 0; i < num_waves / 2; ++i) {
          x - (wave_width / 2),
          (y + (wave_height / 2)) + wave_girth,
          x - wave_width, y + wave_girth);
        x -= wave_width;
          x - (wave_width / 2),
          (y - (wave_height / 2)) + wave_girth,
          x - wave_width, y + wave_girth);
        x -= wave_width;