VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.
This file implements an abstract interface for notes and chords that are rendered on a stave. Notes have some common properties: All of them have a value (e.g., pitch, fret, etc.) and a duration (quarter, half, etc.)
Some notes have stems, heads, dots, etc. Most notational elements that surround a note are called modifiers, and every note has an associated array of them. All notes also have a rendering context and belong to a stave.
import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { Tickable } from './tickable';
export class Note extends Tickable {
static get CATEGORY() { return 'note'; }
static get STAVEPADDING() { return 12; }
Debug helper. Displays various note metrics for the given note.
static plotMetrics(ctx, note, yPos) {
const metrics = note.getMetrics();
const xStart = note.getAbsoluteX() - metrics.modLeftPx - metrics.extraLeftPx;
const xPre1 = note.getAbsoluteX() - metrics.extraLeftPx;
const xAbs = note.getAbsoluteX();
const xPost1 = note.getAbsoluteX() + metrics.noteWidth;
const xPost2 = note.getAbsoluteX() + metrics.noteWidth + metrics.extraRightPx;
const xEnd = note.getAbsoluteX()
+ metrics.noteWidth
+ metrics.extraRightPx
+ metrics.modRightPx;
const xFreedomRight = xEnd + note.getFormatterMetrics().freedom.right;
const xWidth = xEnd - xStart;;
ctx.setFont('Arial', 8, '');
ctx.fillText(Math.round(xWidth) + 'px', xStart + note.getXShift(), yPos);
const y = (yPos + 7);
function stroke(x1, x2, color, yy = y) {
ctx.moveTo(x1 + note.getXShift(), yy);
ctx.lineTo(x2 + note.getXShift(), yy);
stroke(xStart, xPre1, 'red');
stroke(xPre1, xAbs, '#999');
stroke(xAbs, xPost1, 'green');
stroke(xPost1, xPost2, '#999');
stroke(xPost2, xEnd, 'red');
stroke(xEnd, xFreedomRight, '#DD0');
stroke(xStart - note.getXShift(), xStart, '#BBB'); // Shift
Vex.drawDot(ctx, xAbs + note.getXShift(), y, 'blue');
const formatterMetrics = note.getFormatterMetrics();
if (formatterMetrics.iterations > 0) {
const spaceDeviation =;
const prefix = spaceDeviation >= 0 ? '+' : '';
ctx.fillText(prefix + Math.round(spaceDeviation),
xAbs + note.getXShift(), yPos - 10);
Every note is a tickable, i.e., it can be mutated by the Formatter
class for
positioning and layout.
To create a new note you need to provide a note_struct
, which consists
of the following fields:
: The note type (e.g., r
for rest, s
for slash notes, etc.)
: The number of dots, which affects the duration.
: The time length (e.g., q
for quarter, h
for half, 8
for eighth etc.)
The range of values for these parameters are available in src/tables.js
constructor(note_struct) {
this.attrs.type = 'Note';
if (!note_struct) {
throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
'BadArguments', 'Note must have valid initialization data to identify duration and type.'
Parse note_struct
and get note properties.
const initData = Flow.parseNoteData(note_struct);
if (!initData) {
throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
'BadArguments', `Invalid note initialization object: ${JSON.stringify(note_struct)}`
Set note properties from parameters.
this.duration = initData.duration;
this.dots = initData.dots;
this.noteType = initData.type;
if (note_struct.duration_override) {
Custom duration
} else {
Default duration
this.modifiers = [];
Get the glyph code for this note from the font.
this.glyph = Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration, this.noteType);
if (this.positions && (typeof(this.positions) !== 'object' || !this.positions.length)) {
throw new Vex.RuntimeError('BadArguments', 'Note keys must be array type.');
Note to play for audio players.
this.playNote = null;
Positioning contexts used by the Formatter.
this.tickContext = null; // The current tick context.
this.modifierContext = null;
this.ignore_ticks = false;
Positioning variables
this.width = 0; // Width in pixels calculated after preFormat
this.extraLeftPx = 0; // Extra room on left for offset note head
this.extraRightPx = 0; // Extra room on right for offset note head
this.x_shift = 0; // X shift from tick context X
this.left_modPx = 0; // Max width of left modifiers
this.right_modPx = 0; // Max width of right modifiers
this.voice = null; // The voice that this note is in
this.preFormatted = false; // Is this note preFormatted?
this.ys = []; // list of y coordinates for each note
we need to hold on to these for ties and beams.
if (note_struct.align_center) {
The render surface.
this.stave = null;
this.render_options = {
annotation_spacing: 5,
stave_padding: Note.STAVEPADDING,
Get and set the play note, which is arbitrary data that can be used by an audio player.
getPlayNote() { return this.playNote; }
setPlayNote(note) { this.playNote = note; return this; }
Don’t play notes by default, call them rests. This is also used by things like beams and dots for positioning.
isRest() { return false; }
TODO(0xfe): Why is this method here?
addStroke(index, stroke) {
return this;
Get and set the target stave.
getStave() { return this.stave; }
setStave(stave) {
this.stave = stave;
this.setYs([stave.getYForLine(0)]); // Update Y values if the stave is changed.
this.context = this.stave.context;
return this;
is not really a modifier, but is used in
a ModifierContext
getCategory() { return Note.CATEGORY; }
Set the rendering context for the note.
setContext(context) { this.context = context; return this; }
Get and set spacing to the left and right of the notes.
getExtraLeftPx() { return this.extraLeftPx; }
getExtraRightPx() { return this.extraRightPx; }
setExtraLeftPx(x) { this.extraLeftPx = x; return this; }
setExtraRightPx(x) { this.extraRightPx = x; return this; }
Returns true if this note has no duration (e.g., bar notes, spacers, etc.)
shouldIgnoreTicks() { return this.ignore_ticks; }
Get the stave line number for the note.
getLineNumber() { return 0; }
Get the stave line number for rest.
getLineForRest() { return 0; }
Get the glyph associated with this note.
getGlyph() { return this.glyph; }
getGlyphWidth() {
return this.glyph.getWidth(this.render_options.glyph_font_scale);
Set and get Y positions for this note. Each Y value is associated with an individual pitch/key within the note/chord.
setYs(ys) { this.ys = ys; return this; }
getYs() {
if (this.ys.length === 0) {
throw new Vex.RERR('NoYValues', 'No Y-values calculated for this note.');
return this.ys;
Get the Y position of the space above the stave onto which text can be rendered.
getYForTopText(text_line) {
if (!this.stave) {
throw new Vex.RERR('NoStave', 'No stave attached to this note.');
return this.stave.getYForTopText(text_line);
Get a BoundingBox
for this note.
getBoundingBox() { return null; }
Returns the voice that this note belongs in.
getVoice() {
if (!this.voice) throw new Vex.RERR('NoVoice', 'Note has no voice.');
return this.voice;
Attach this note to voice
setVoice(voice) {
this.voice = voice;
this.preFormatted = false;
return this;
Get and set the TickContext
for this note.
getTickContext() { return this.tickContext; }
setTickContext(tc) {
this.tickContext = tc;
this.preFormatted = false;
return this;
Accessors for the note type.
getDuration() { return this.duration; }
isDotted() { return (this.dots > 0); }
hasStem() { return false; }
getDots() { return this.dots; }
getNoteType() { return this.noteType; }
setBeam() { return this; } // ignore parameters
Attach this note to a modifier context.
setModifierContext(mc) { this.modifierContext = mc; return this; }
Attach a modifier to this note.
addModifier(modifier, index = 0) {
return this;
Get the coordinates for where modifiers begin.
getModifierStartXY() {
if (!this.preFormatted) {
throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call GetModifierStartXY on an unformatted note");
return {
x: this.getAbsoluteX(),
y: this.ys[0],
Get bounds and metrics for this note.
Returns a struct with fields:
: The total width of the note (including modifiers.)
: The width of the note head only.
: The horizontal displacement of the note.
: Start X
for left modifiers.
: Start X
for right modifiers.
: Extra space on left of note.
: Extra space on right of note.
getMetrics() {
if (!this.preFormatted) {
throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call getMetrics on an unformatted note.");
let modLeftPx = 0;
let modRightPx = 0;
if (this.modifierContext != null) {
modLeftPx = this.modifierContext.state.left_shift;
modRightPx = this.modifierContext.state.right_shift;
const width = this.getWidth();
return {
noteWidth: width - modLeftPx - modRightPx - this.extraLeftPx - this.extraRightPx,
left_shift: this.x_shift, // TODO(0xfe): Make style consistent
Modifiers, accidentals etc.
Displaced note head on left or right.
extraLeftPx: this.extraLeftPx,
extraRightPx: this.extraRightPx,
Get and set width of note. Used by the formatter for positioning.
setWidth(width) { this.width = width; }
getWidth() {
if (!this.preFormatted) {
throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call GetWidth on an unformatted note.");
return this.width + (this.modifierContext ? this.modifierContext.getWidth() : 0);
Displace note by x
pixels. Used by the formatter.
setXShift(x) { this.x_shift = x; return this; }
getXShift() { return this.x_shift; }
Get X
position of this tick context.
getX() {
if (!this.tickContext) {
throw new Vex.RERR('NoTickContext', 'Note needs a TickContext assigned for an X-Value');
return this.tickContext.getX() + this.x_shift;
Get the absolute X
position of this note’s tick context. This
excludes x_shift, so you’ll need to factor it in if you’re
looking for the post-formatted x-position.
getAbsoluteX() {
if (!this.tickContext) {
throw new Vex.RERR('NoTickContext', 'Note needs a TickContext assigned for an X-Value');
Position note to left edge of tick context.
let x = this.tickContext.getX();
if (this.stave) {
x += this.stave.getNoteStartX() + this.render_options.stave_padding;
if (this.isCenterAligned()) {
x += this.getCenterXShift();
return x;
setPreFormatted(value) {
this.preFormatted = value;
Maintain the width of left and right modifiers in pixels.
if (this.preFormatted) {
const extra = this.tickContext.getExtraPx();
this.left_modPx = Math.max(this.left_modPx, extra.left);
this.right_modPx = Math.max(this.right_modPx, extra.right);