VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


This file implements notes for standard notation. This consists of one or more NoteHeads, an optional stem, and an optional flag.

Throughout these comments, a “note” refers to the entire StaveNote, and a “key” refers to a specific pitch/notehead within a note.

See tests/stavenote_tests.js for usage examples.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { BoundingBox } from './boundingbox';
import { Stem } from './stem';
import { NoteHead } from './notehead';
import { StemmableNote } from './stemmablenote';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';
import { Dot } from './dot';

To enable logging for this class. Set Vex.Flow.StaveNote.DEBUG to true.

function L(...args) { if (StaveNote.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.StaveNote', args); }

const getStemAdjustment = (note) => Stem.WIDTH / (2 * -note.getStemDirection());

const isInnerNoteIndex = (note, index) =>
  index === (note.getStemDirection() === Stem.UP ? note.keyProps.length - 1 : 0);

Helper methods for rest positioning in ModifierContext.

function shiftRestVertical(rest, note, dir) {
  const delta = (note.isrest ? 0.0 : 1.0) * dir;

  rest.line += delta;
  rest.maxLine += delta;
  rest.minLine += delta;
  rest.note.setKeyLine(0, rest.note.getKeyLine(0) + (delta));

Called from formatNotes :: center a rest between two notes

function centerRest(rest, noteU, noteL) {
  const delta = rest.line - Vex.MidLine(noteU.minLine, noteL.maxLine);
  rest.note.setKeyLine(0, rest.note.getKeyLine(0) - delta);
  rest.line -= delta;
  rest.maxLine -= delta;
  rest.minLine -= delta;

export class StaveNote extends StemmableNote {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'stavenotes'; }
  static get STEM_UP() { return Stem.UP; }
  static get STEM_DOWN() { return Stem.DOWN; }
  static get DEFAULT_LEDGER_LINE_OFFSET() { return 3; }

Static Methods

Format notes inside a ModifierContext.

  static format(notes, state) {
    if (!notes || notes.length < 2) return false;

    if (notes[0].getStave() != null) return StaveNote.formatByY(notes, state);

    const notesList = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
      const props = notes[i].getKeyProps();
      const line = props[0].line;
      let minL = props[props.length - 1].line;
      const stemDirection = notes[i].getStemDirection();
      const stemMax = notes[i].getStemLength() / 10;
      const stemMin = notes[i].getStemMinumumLength() / 10;

      let maxL;
      if (notes[i].isRest()) {
        maxL = line + notes[i].glyph.line_above;
        minL = line - notes[i].glyph.line_below;
      } else {
        maxL = stemDirection === 1
          ? props[props.length - 1].line + stemMax
          : props[props.length - 1].line;

        minL = stemDirection === 1
          ? props[0].line
          : props[0].line - stemMax;

        line: props[0].line, // note/rest base line
        maxLine: maxL, // note/rest upper bounds line
        minLine: minL, // note/rest lower bounds line
        isrest: notes[i].isRest(),
        stemMax, // Maximum (default) note stem length;
        stemMin, // minimum note stem length
        voice_shift: notes[i].getVoiceShiftWidth(),
        is_displaced: notes[i].isDisplaced(), // note manually displaced
        note: notes[i],

    const voices = notesList.length;

    let noteU = notesList[0];
    const noteM = voices > 2 ? notesList[1] : null;
    let noteL = voices > 2 ? notesList[2] : notesList[1];

for two voice backward compatibility, ensure upper voice is stems up for three voices, the voices must be in order (upper, middle, lower)

    if (voices === 2 && noteU.stemDirection === -1 && noteL.stemDirection === 1) {
      noteU = notesList[1];
      noteL = notesList[0];

    const voiceXShift = Math.max(noteU.voice_shift, noteL.voice_shift);
    let xShift = 0;
    let stemDelta;

Test for two voice note intersection

    if (voices === 2) {
      const lineSpacing = noteU.stemDirection === noteL.stemDirection ? 0.0 : 0.5;

if top voice is a middle voice, check stem intersection with lower voice

      if (noteU.stemDirection === noteL.stemDirection &&
          noteU.minLine <= noteL.maxLine) {
        if (!noteU.isrest) {
          stemDelta = Math.abs(noteU.line - (noteL.maxLine + 0.5));
          stemDelta = Math.max(stemDelta, noteU.stemMin);
          noteU.minLine = noteU.line - stemDelta;
          noteU.note.setStemLength(stemDelta * 10);
      if (noteU.minLine <= noteL.maxLine + lineSpacing) {
        if (noteU.isrest) {

shift rest up

          shiftRestVertical(noteU, noteL, 1);
        } else if (noteL.isrest) {

shift rest down

          shiftRestVertical(noteL, noteU, -1);
        } else {
          xShift = voiceXShift;
          if (noteU.stemDirection === noteL.stemDirection) {

upper voice is middle voice, so shift it right

            noteU.note.setXShift(xShift + 3);
          } else {

shift lower voice right


format complete

      return true;

Check middle voice stem intersection with lower voice

    if (noteM !== null && noteM.minLine < noteL.maxLine + 0.5) {
      if (!noteM.isrest) {
        stemDelta = Math.abs(noteM.line - (noteL.maxLine + 0.5));
        stemDelta = Math.max(stemDelta, noteM.stemMin);
        noteM.minLine = noteM.line - stemDelta;
        noteM.note.setStemLength(stemDelta * 10);

For three voices, test if rests can be repositioned

Special case 1 :: middle voice rest between two notes

    if (noteM.isrest && !noteU.isrest && !noteL.isrest) {
      if (noteU.minLine <= noteM.maxLine || noteM.minLine <= noteL.maxLine) {
        const restHeight = noteM.maxLine - noteM.minLine;
        const space = noteU.minLine - noteL.maxLine;
        if (restHeight < space) {

center middle voice rest between the upper and lower voices

          centerRest(noteM, noteU, noteL);
        } else {
          xShift = voiceXShift + 3;    // shift middle rest right

format complete

        return true;

Special case 2 :: all voices are rests

    if (noteU.isrest && noteM.isrest && noteL.isrest) {

Shift upper voice rest up

      shiftRestVertical(noteU, noteM, 1);

Shift lower voice rest down

      shiftRestVertical(noteL, noteM, -1);

format complete

      return true;

Test if any other rests can be repositioned

    if (noteM.isrest && noteU.isrest && noteM.minLine <= noteL.maxLine) {

Shift middle voice rest up

      shiftRestVertical(noteM, noteL, 1);
    if (noteM.isrest && noteL.isrest && noteU.minLine <= noteM.maxLine) {

Shift middle voice rest down

      shiftRestVertical(noteM, noteU, -1);
    if (noteU.isrest && noteU.minLine <= noteM.maxLine) {

shift upper voice rest up;

      shiftRestVertical(noteU, noteM, 1);
    if (noteL.isrest && noteM.minLine <= noteL.maxLine) {

shift lower voice rest down

      shiftRestVertical(noteL, noteM, -1);

If middle voice intersects upper or lower voice

    if ((!noteU.isrest && !noteM.isrest && noteU.minLine <= noteM.maxLine + 0.5) ||
        (!noteM.isrest && !noteL.isrest && noteM.minLine <= noteL.maxLine)) {
      xShift = voiceXShift + 3;      // shift middle note right

    return true;

  static formatByY(notes, state) {

NOTE: this function does not support more than two voices per stave use with care.

    let hasStave = true;

    for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
      hasStave = hasStave && notes[i].getStave() != null;

    if (!hasStave) {
      throw new Vex.RERR(
        'Stave Missing',
        'All notes must have a stave - Vex.Flow.ModifierContext.formatMultiVoice!'

    let xShift = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < notes.length - 1; i++) {
      let topNote = notes[i];
      let bottomNote = notes[i + 1];

      if (topNote.getStemDirection() === Stem.DOWN) {
        topNote = notes[i + 1];
        bottomNote = notes[i];

      const topKeys = topNote.getKeyProps();
      const bottomKeys = bottomNote.getKeyProps();

      const topY = topNote.getStave().getYForLine(topKeys[0].line);
      const bottomY = bottomNote.getStave().getYForLine(bottomKeys[bottomKeys.length - 1].line);

      const lineSpace = topNote.getStave().options.spacing_between_lines_px;
      if (Math.abs(topY - bottomY) === lineSpace / 2) {
        xShift = topNote.getVoiceShiftWidth();

    state.right_shift += xShift;

  static postFormat(notes) {
    if (!notes) return false;

    notes.forEach(note => note.postFormat());

    return true;

  constructor(noteStruct) {
    this.attrs.type = 'StaveNote';

    this.keys = noteStruct.keys;
    this.clef = noteStruct.clef;
    this.octave_shift = noteStruct.octave_shift;
    this.beam = null;

Pull note rendering properties

    this.glyph = Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration, this.noteType);

    if (!this.glyph) {
      throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
        `Invalid note initialization data (No glyph found): ${JSON.stringify(noteStruct)}`

if true, displace note to right

    this.displaced = false;
    this.dot_shiftY = 0;

per-pitch properties

    this.keyProps = [];

for displaced ledger lines

    this.use_default_head_x = false;


    this.note_heads = [];
    this.modifiers = [];

    Vex.Merge(this.render_options, {

font size for note heads and rests

      glyph_font_scale: noteStruct.glyph_font_scale || Flow.DEFAULT_NOTATION_FONT_SCALE,

number of stroke px to the left and right of head

      stroke_px: noteStruct.stroke_px || StaveNote.DEFAULT_LEDGER_LINE_OFFSET,



Set the stem direction

    if (noteStruct.auto_stem) {
    } else {


Calculate left/right padding


  getCategory() { return StaveNote.CATEGORY; }

Builds a Stem for the note

  buildStem() {
    const glyph = this.getGlyph();
    const yExtend = glyph.code_head === 'v95' || glyph.code_head === 'v3e' ? -4 : 0;

    this.setStem(new Stem({
      hide: !!this.isRest(),

Builds a NoteHead for each key in the note

  buildNoteHeads() {
    const stemDirection = this.getStemDirection();
    const keys = this.getKeys();

    let lastLine = null;
    let lineDiff = null;
    let displaced = false;

Draw notes from bottom to top.

For down-stem notes, we draw from top to bottom.

    let start;
    let end;
    let step;
    if (stemDirection === Stem.UP) {
      start = 0;
      end = keys.length;
      step = 1;
    } else if (stemDirection === Stem.DOWN) {
      start = keys.length - 1;
      end = -1;
      step = -1;

    for (let i = start; i !== end; i += step) {
      const noteProps = this.keyProps[i];
      const line = noteProps.line;

Keep track of last line with a note head, so that consecutive heads are correctly displaced.

      if (lastLine === null) {
        lastLine = line;
      } else {
        lineDiff = Math.abs(lastLine - line);
        if (lineDiff === 0 || lineDiff === 0.5) {
          displaced = !displaced;
        } else {
          displaced = false;
          this.use_default_head_x = true;
      lastLine = line;

      const notehead = new NoteHead({
        duration: this.duration,
        note_type: this.noteType,
        stem_direction: stemDirection,
        custom_glyph_code: noteProps.code,
        glyph_font_scale: this.render_options.glyph_font_scale,
        x_shift: noteProps.shift_right,
        line: noteProps.line,

      this.note_heads[i] = notehead;

Automatically sets the stem direction based on the keys in the note

  autoStem() {

Figure out optimal stem direction based on given notes

    this.minLine = this.keyProps[0].line;
    this.maxLine = this.keyProps[this.keyProps.length - 1].line;

    const MIDDLE_LINE = 3;
    const decider = (this.minLine + this.maxLine) / 2;
    const stemDirection = decider < MIDDLE_LINE ? Stem.UP : Stem.DOWN;


Calculates and stores the properties for each key in the note

  calculateKeyProps() {
    let lastLine = null;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.keys.length; ++i) {
      const key = this.keys[i];

All rests use the same position on the line. if ( key = this.glyph.position;

      if ( this.glyph.position = key;

      const options = { octave_shift: this.octave_shift || 0 };
      const props = Flow.keyProperties(key, this.clef, options);

      if (!props) {
        throw new Vex.RuntimeError('BadArguments', `Invalid key for note properties: ${key}`);

Override line placement for default rests

      if (props.key === 'R') {
        if (this.duration === '1' || this.duration === 'w') {
          props.line = 4;
        } else {
          props.line = 3;

Calculate displacement of this note

      const line = props.line;
      if (lastLine === null) {
        lastLine = line;
      } else {
        if (Math.abs(lastLine - line) === 0.5) {
          this.displaced = true;
          props.displaced = true;

Have to mark the previous note as displaced as well, for modifier placement

          if (this.keyProps.length > 0) {
            this.keyProps[i - 1].displaced = true;

      lastLine = line;

Sort the notes from lowest line to highest line

    lastLine = -Infinity;
    this.keyProps.forEach(key => {
      if (key.line < lastLine) {
          'Unsorted keys in note will be sorted. ' +
          'See for details.'
      lastLine = key.line;
    this.keyProps.sort((a, b) => a.line - b.line);

Get the BoundingBox for the entire note

  getBoundingBox() {
    if (!this.preFormatted) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call getBoundingBox on an unformatted note.");

    const { width: w, modLeftPx, extraLeftPx } = this.getMetrics();
    const x = this.getAbsoluteX() - modLeftPx - extraLeftPx;

    let minY = 0;
    let maxY = 0;
    const halfLineSpacing = this.getStave().getSpacingBetweenLines() / 2;
    const lineSpacing = halfLineSpacing * 2;

    if (this.isRest()) {
      const y = this.ys[0];
      const frac = Flow.durationToFraction(this.duration);
      if (frac.equals(1) || frac.equals(2)) {
        minY = y - halfLineSpacing;
        maxY = y + halfLineSpacing;
      } else {
        minY = y - (this.glyph.line_above * lineSpacing);
        maxY = y + (this.glyph.line_below * lineSpacing);
    } else if (this.glyph.stem) {
      const ys = this.getStemExtents();
      ys.baseY += halfLineSpacing * this.stem_direction;
      minY = Math.min(ys.topY, ys.baseY);
      maxY = Math.max(ys.topY, ys.baseY);
    } else {
      minY = null;
      maxY = null;

      for (let i = 0; i < this.ys.length; ++i) {
        const yy = this.ys[i];
        if (i === 0) {
          minY = yy;
          maxY = yy;
        } else {
          minY = Math.min(yy, minY);
          maxY = Math.max(yy, maxY);
      minY -= halfLineSpacing;
      maxY += halfLineSpacing;

    return new BoundingBox(x, minY, w, maxY - minY);

Gets the line number of the top or bottom note in the chord. If isTopNote is true then get the top note

  getLineNumber(isTopNote) {
    if (!this.keyProps.length) {
      throw new Vex.RERR(
        'NoKeyProps', "Can't get bottom note line, because note is not initialized properly."

    let resultLine = this.keyProps[0].line;

No precondition assumed for sortedness of keyProps array

    for (let i = 0; i < this.keyProps.length; i++) {
      const thisLine = this.keyProps[i].line;
      if (isTopNote) {
        if (thisLine > resultLine) resultLine = thisLine;
      } else {
        if (thisLine < resultLine) resultLine = thisLine;

    return resultLine;

Determine if current note is a rest

  isRest() { return; }

Determine if the current note is a chord

  isChord() { return !this.isRest() && this.keys.length > 1; }

Determine if the StaveNote has a stem

  hasStem() { return this.glyph.stem; }

  hasFlag() {
    return super.hasFlag() && !this.isRest();

  getStemX() {
    if (this.noteType === 'r') {
      return this.getCenterGlyphX();
    } else {

We adjust the origin of the stem because we want the stem left-aligned with the notehead if stemmed-down, and right-aligned if stemmed-up

      return super.getStemX() + getStemAdjustment(this);

Get the y coordinate for text placed on the top/bottom of a note at a desired text_line

  getYForTopText(textLine) {
    const extents = this.getStemExtents();
    return Math.min(
      extents.topY - (this.render_options.annotation_spacing * (textLine + 1))
  getYForBottomText(textLine) {
    const extents = this.getStemExtents();
    return Math.max(
      extents.baseY + (this.render_options.annotation_spacing * (textLine))

Sets the current note to the provided stave. This applies y values to the NoteHeads.

  setStave(stave) {

    const ys = => {
      return notehead.getY();


    if (this.stem) {
      const { y_top, y_bottom } = this.getNoteHeadBounds();
      this.stem.setYBounds(y_top, y_bottom);

    return this;

Get the pitches in the note

  getKeys() { return this.keys; }

Get the properties for all the keys in the note

  getKeyProps() {
    return this.keyProps;

Check if note is shifted to the right

  isDisplaced() {
    return this.displaced;

Sets whether shift note to the right. displaced is a boolean

  setNoteDisplaced(displaced) {
    this.displaced = displaced;
    return this;

Get the starting x coordinate for a StaveTie

  getTieRightX() {
    let tieStartX = this.getAbsoluteX();
    tieStartX += this.getGlyphWidth() + this.x_shift + this.extraRightPx;
    if (this.modifierContext) tieStartX += this.modifierContext.getExtraRightPx();
    return tieStartX;

Get the ending x coordinate for a StaveTie

  getTieLeftX() {
    let tieEndX = this.getAbsoluteX();
    tieEndX += this.x_shift - this.extraLeftPx;
    return tieEndX;

Get the stave line on which to place a rest

  getLineForRest() {
    let restLine = this.keyProps[0].line;
    if (this.keyProps.length > 1) {
      const lastLine  = this.keyProps[this.keyProps.length - 1].line;
      const top = Math.max(restLine, lastLine);
      const bot = Math.min(restLine, lastLine);
      restLine = Vex.MidLine(top, bot);

    return restLine;

Get the default x and y coordinates for the provided position and key index

  getModifierStartXY(position, index) {
    if (!this.preFormatted) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call GetModifierStartXY on an unformatted note");

    if (this.ys.length === 0) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoYValues', 'No Y-Values calculated for this note.');

    const { ABOVE, BELOW, LEFT, RIGHT } = Modifier.Position;
    let x = 0;
    if (position === LEFT) {

extra_left_px FIXME: What are these magic numbers?

      x = -1 * 2;
    } else if (position === RIGHT) {

extra_right_px FIXME: What is this magical +2?

      x = this.getGlyphWidth() + this.x_shift + 2;

      if (this.stem_direction === Stem.UP && this.hasFlag() && isInnerNoteIndex(this, index)) {
        x += this.flag.getMetrics().width;
    } else if (position === BELOW || position === ABOVE) {
      x = this.getGlyphWidth() / 2;

    return {
      x: this.getAbsoluteX() + x,
      y: this.ys[index],

Sets the style of the complete StaveNote, including all keys and the stem.

  setStyle(style) {
    this.note_heads.forEach(notehead => notehead.setStyle(style));

Sets the notehead at index to the provided coloring style.

style is an object with the following properties: shadowColor, shadowBlur, fillStyle, strokeStyle

  setKeyStyle(index, style) {
    return this;

  setKeyLine(index, line) {
    this.keyProps[index].line = line;
    return this;

  getKeyLine(index) {
    return this.keyProps[index].line;

Add self to modifier context. mContext is the ModifierContext to be added to.

  addToModifierContext(mContext) {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.modifiers.length; ++i) {
    return this;

Generic function to add modifiers to a note


  addModifier(index, modifier) {
    return this;

Helper function to add an accidental to a key

  addAccidental(index, accidental) {
    return this.addModifier(index, accidental);

Helper function to add an articulation to a key

  addArticulation(index, articulation) {
    return this.addModifier(index, articulation);

Helper function to add an annotation to a key

  addAnnotation(index, annotation) {
    return this.addModifier(index, annotation);

Helper function to add a dot on a specific key

  addDot(index) {
    const dot = new Dot();
    return this.addModifier(index, dot);

Convenience method to add dot to all keys in note

  addDotToAll() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.keys.length; ++i) {
    return this;

Get all accidentals in the ModifierContext

  getAccidentals() {
    return this.modifierContext.getModifiers('accidentals');

Get all dots in the ModifierContext

  getDots() {
    return this.modifierContext.getModifiers('dots');

Get the width of the note if it is displaced. Used for Voice formatting

  getVoiceShiftWidth() {

TODO: may need to accomodate for dot here.

    return this.getGlyphWidth() * (this.displaced ? 2 : 1);

Calculates and sets the extra pixels to the left or right if the note is displaced.

  calcExtraPx() {
      this.displaced && this.stem_direction === Stem.DOWN
        ? this.getGlyphWidth()
        : 0

For upstems with flags, the extra space is unnecessary, since it’s taken up by the flag.

      !this.hasFlag() && this.displaced && this.stem_direction === Stem.UP
        ? this.getGlyphWidth()
        : 0

Pre-render formatting

  preFormat() {
    if (this.preFormatted) return;
    if (this.modifierContext) this.modifierContext.preFormat();

    let width = this.getGlyphWidth() + this.extraLeftPx + this.extraRightPx;

For upward flagged notes, the width of the flag needs to be added

    if (this.glyph.flag && this.beam === null && this.stem_direction === Stem.UP) {
      width += this.getGlyphWidth();


Gets the staff line and y value for the highest and lowest noteheads

  getNoteHeadBounds() {

Top and bottom Y values for stem.

    let yTop = null;
    let yBottom = null;

    let highestLine = this.stave.getNumLines();
    let lowestLine = 1;

    this.note_heads.forEach(notehead => {
      const line = notehead.getLine();
      const y = notehead.getY();

      if (yTop === null || y < yTop)  {
        yTop = y;

      if (yBottom === null || y > yBottom) {
        yBottom = y;

      highestLine = line > highestLine ? line : highestLine;
      lowestLine = line < lowestLine ? line : lowestLine;
    }, this);

    return {
      y_top: yTop,
      y_bottom: yBottom,
      highest_line: highestLine,
      lowest_line: lowestLine,

Get the starting x coordinate for the noteheads

  getNoteHeadBeginX() {
    return this.getAbsoluteX() + this.x_shift;

Get the ending x coordinate for the noteheads

  getNoteHeadEndX() {
    const xBegin = this.getNoteHeadBeginX();
    return xBegin + this.getGlyphWidth();

Draw the ledger lines between the stave and the highest/lowest keys

  drawLedgerLines() {
    const {
      note_heads, stave, use_default_head_x, x_shift, glyph,
      render_options: { stroke_px },
      context: ctx,
    } = this;

    if (this.isRest()) return;
    if (!ctx) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoCanvasContext', "Can't draw without a canvas context.");

    const { highest_line, lowest_line } = this.getNoteHeadBounds();
    let headX = note_heads[0].getAbsoluteX();

    const drawLedgerLine = (y) => {
      if (use_default_head_x === true)  {
        headX = this.getAbsoluteX() + x_shift;
      const x = headX - stroke_px;
      const length = ((headX + glyph.getWidth()) - headX) + (stroke_px * 2);

      ctx.fillRect(x, y, length, 1);

    for (let line = 6; line <= highest_line; ++line) {

    for (let line = 0; line >= lowest_line; --line) {

Draw all key modifiers

  drawModifiers() {
    if (!this.context) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoCanvasContext', "Can't draw without a canvas context.");

    const ctx = this.context;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.modifiers.length; i++) {
      const modifier = this.modifiers[i];
      const notehead = this.note_heads[modifier.getIndex()];
      const noteheadStyle = notehead.getStyle();
      if (noteheadStyle) {;
      if (noteheadStyle) {

Draw the flag for the note

  drawFlag() {
    const { stem, beam, context: ctx } = this;

    if (!ctx) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoCanvasContext', "Can't draw without a canvas context.");

    const shouldRenderFlag = beam === null;
    const glyph = this.getGlyph();

    if (glyph.flag && shouldRenderFlag) {
      const { y_top, y_bottom } = this.getNoteHeadBounds();
      const noteStemHeight = stem.getHeight();
      const flagX = this.getStemX();

FIXME: What’s with the magic +/- 2

      const flagY = this.getStemDirection() === Stem.DOWN

Down stems have flags on the left

          ? y_top - noteStemHeight + 2

Up stems have flags on the eft.

          : y_bottom - noteStemHeight - 2;

Draw the Flag

      ctx.openGroup('flag', null, { pointerBBox: true });
      this.flag.render(ctx, flagX, flagY);

Draw the NoteHeads

  drawNoteHeads() {
    this.note_heads.forEach(notehead => {
      this.context.openGroup('notehead', null, { pointerBBox: true });

Render the stem onto the canvas

  drawStem(stemStruct) {
    if (!this.context) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoCanvasContext', "Can't draw without a canvas context.");

    if (stemStruct) {
      this.setStem(new Stem(stemStruct));

    this.context.openGroup('stem', null, { pointerBBox: true });

Draws all the StaveNote parts. This is the main drawing method.

  draw() {
    if (!this.context) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoCanvasContext', "Can't draw without a canvas context.");
    if (!this.stave) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoStave', "Can't draw without a stave.");
    if (this.ys.length === 0) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoYValues', "Can't draw note without Y values.");

    const xBegin = this.getNoteHeadBeginX();
    const shouldRenderStem = this.hasStem() && !this.beam;

Format note head x positions

    this.note_heads.forEach(notehead => notehead.setX(xBegin));

Format stem x positions

    const stemX = this.getStemX();
    this.stem.setNoteHeadXBounds(stemX, stemX);

    L('Rendering ', this.isChord() ? 'chord :' : 'note :', this.keys);

Draw each part of the note


    this.setAttribute('el', this.context.openGroup('stavenote', this.getAttribute('id')));
    this.context.openGroup('note', null, { pointerBBox: true });
    if (shouldRenderStem) this.drawStem();