VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


This file implements StaveLine which are simply lines that connect two notes. This object is highly configurable, see the render_options. A simple line is often used for notating glissando articulations, but you can format a StaveLine with arrows or colors for more pedagogical purposes, such as diagrams.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Element } from './element';
import { Flow } from './tables';

Attribution: Arrow rendering implementations based off of Patrick Horgan’s article, “Drawing lines and arcs with arrow heads on HTML5 Canvas”

Draw an arrow head that connects between 3 coordinates

function drawArrowHead(ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) {

all cases do this.

  ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
  ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
  ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
  ctx.lineTo(x0, y0);


Helper function to draw a line with arrow heads

function drawArrowLine(ctx, point1, point2, config) {
  const both_arrows = config.draw_start_arrow && config.draw_end_arrow;

  const x1 = point1.x;
  const y1 = point1.y;
  const x2 = point2.x;
  const y2 = point2.y;

For ends with arrow we actually want to stop before we get to the arrow so that wide lines won’t put a flat end on the arrow.

  const distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));
  const ratio = (distance - config.arrowhead_length / 3) / distance;
  let end_x;
  let end_y;
  let start_x;
  let start_y;
  if (config.draw_end_arrow || both_arrows) {
    end_x = Math.round(x1 + (x2 - x1) * ratio);
    end_y = Math.round(y1 + (y2 - y1) * ratio);
  } else {
    end_x = x2;
    end_y = y2;

  if (config.draw_start_arrow || both_arrows) {
    start_x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (1 - ratio);
    start_y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (1 - ratio);
  } else {
    start_x = x1;
    start_y = y1;

  if (config.color) {

Draw the shaft of the arrow

  ctx.moveTo(start_x, start_y);
  ctx.lineTo(end_x, end_y);

calculate the angle of the line

  const line_angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);

h is the line length of a side of the arrow head

  const h = Math.abs(config.arrowhead_length / Math.cos(config.arrowhead_angle));

  let angle1;
  let angle2;
  let top_x;
  let top_y;
  let bottom_x;
  let bottom_y;

  if (config.draw_end_arrow || both_arrows) {
    angle1 = line_angle + Math.PI + config.arrowhead_angle;
    top_x = x2 + Math.cos(angle1) * h;
    top_y = y2 + Math.sin(angle1) * h;

    angle2 = line_angle + Math.PI - config.arrowhead_angle;
    bottom_x = x2 + Math.cos(angle2) * h;
    bottom_y = y2 + Math.sin(angle2) * h;

    drawArrowHead(ctx, top_x, top_y, x2, y2, bottom_x, bottom_y);

  if (config.draw_start_arrow || both_arrows) {
    angle1 = line_angle + config.arrowhead_angle;
    top_x = x1 + Math.cos(angle1) * h;
    top_y = y1 + Math.sin(angle1) * h;

    angle2 = line_angle - config.arrowhead_angle;
    bottom_x = x1 + Math.cos(angle2) * h;
    bottom_y = y1 + Math.sin(angle2) * h;

    drawArrowHead(ctx, top_x, top_y, x1, y1, bottom_x, bottom_y);

export class StaveLine extends Element {

Text Positioning

  static get TextVerticalPosition() {
    return {
      TOP: 1,
      BOTTOM: 2,

  static get TextJustification() {
    return {
      LEFT: 1,
      CENTER: 2,
      RIGHT: 3,

Initialize the StaveLine with the given notes.

notes is a struct that has:

   first_note: Note,
   last_note: Note,
   first_indices: [n1, n2, n3],
   last_indices: [n1, n2, n3]
  constructor(notes) {
    this.attrs.type = 'StaveLine';

    this.notes = notes;

    this.text = '';

    this.font = {
      family: 'Arial',
      size: 10,
      weight: '',

    this.render_options = {

Space to add to the left or the right

      padding_left: 4,
      padding_right: 3,

The width of the line in pixels

      line_width: 1,

An array of line/space lengths. Unsupported with Raphael (SVG)

      line_dash: null,

Can draw rounded line end, instead of a square. Unsupported with Raphael (SVG)

      rounded_end: true,

The color of the line and arrowheads

      color: null,

Flags to draw arrows on each end of the line

      draw_start_arrow: false,
      draw_end_arrow: false,

The length of the arrowhead sides

      arrowhead_length: 10,

The angle of the arrowhead

      arrowhead_angle: Math.PI / 8,

The position of the text

      text_position_vertical: StaveLine.TextVerticalPosition.TOP,
      text_justification: StaveLine.TextJustification.CENTER,


Set the font for the StaveLine text

  setFont(font) { this.font = font; return this; }

The the annotation for the StaveLine

  setText(text) { this.text = text; return this; }

Set the notes for the StaveLine

  setNotes(notes) {
    if (!notes.first_note && !notes.last_note) {
      throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
        'BadArguments', 'Notes needs to have either first_note or last_note set.'

    if (!notes.first_indices) notes.first_indices = [0];
    if (!notes.last_indices) notes.last_indices = [0];

    if (notes.first_indices.length !== notes.last_indices.length) {
      throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
        'BadArguments', 'Connected notes must have similar index sizes'

Success. Lets grab ‘em notes.

    this.first_note = notes.first_note;
    this.first_indices = notes.first_indices;
    this.last_note = notes.last_note;
    this.last_indices = notes.last_indices;
    return this;

Apply the style of the StaveLine to the context

  applyLineStyle() {
    const ctx = this.checkContext();
    const render_options = this.render_options;

    if (render_options.line_dash) {

    if (render_options.line_width) {

    if (render_options.rounded_end) {
    } else {

Apply the text styling to the context

  applyFontStyle() {
    const ctx = this.checkContext();

    if (this.font) {
      ctx.setFont(, this.font.size, this.font.weight);

    if (this.render_options.color) {

Renders the StaveLine on the context

  draw() {
    const ctx = this.checkContext();
    const first_note = this.first_note;
    const last_note = this.last_note;
    const render_options = this.render_options;;

Cycle through each set of indices and draw lines

    let start_position;
    let end_position;
    this.first_indices.forEach((first_index, i) => {
      const last_index = this.last_indices[i];

Get initial coordinates for the start/end of the line

      start_position = first_note.getModifierStartXY(2, first_index);
      end_position = last_note.getModifierStartXY(1, last_index);
      const upwards_slope = start_position.y > end_position.y;

Adjust x coordinates for modifiers

      start_position.x += first_note.getMetrics().modRightPx + render_options.padding_left;
      end_position.x -= last_note.getMetrics().modLeftPx + render_options.padding_right;

Adjust first x coordinates for displacements

      const notehead_width = first_note.getGlyph().getWidth();
      const first_displaced = first_note.getKeyProps()[first_index].displaced;
      if (first_displaced && first_note.getStemDirection() === 1) {
        start_position.x += notehead_width + render_options.padding_left;

Adjust last x coordinates for displacements

      const last_displaced = last_note.getKeyProps()[last_index].displaced;
      if (last_displaced && last_note.getStemDirection() === -1) {
        end_position.x -= notehead_width + render_options.padding_right;

Adjust y position better if it’s not coming from the center of the note

      start_position.y += upwards_slope ? -3 : 1;
      end_position.y += upwards_slope ? 2 : 0;

      drawArrowLine(ctx, start_position, end_position, this.render_options);


Determine the x coordinate where to start the text

    const text_width = ctx.measureText(this.text).width;
    const justification = render_options.text_justification;
    let x = 0;
    if (justification === StaveLine.TextJustification.LEFT) {
      x = start_position.x;
    } else if (justification === StaveLine.TextJustification.CENTER) {
      const delta_x = (end_position.x - start_position.x);
      const center_x = (delta_x / 2) + start_position.x;
      x = center_x - (text_width / 2);
    } else if (justification === StaveLine.TextJustification.RIGHT) {
      x = end_position.x  -  text_width;

Determine the y value to start the text

    let y;
    const vertical_position = render_options.text_position_vertical;
    if (vertical_position === StaveLine.TextVerticalPosition.TOP) {
      y = first_note.getStave().getYForTopText();
    } else if (vertical_position === StaveLine.TextVerticalPosition.BOTTOM) {
      y = first_note.getStave().getYForBottomText(Flow.TEXT_HEIGHT_OFFSET_HACK);

Draw the text;
    ctx.fillText(this.text, x, y);

    return this;