VexFlow - Music Engraving for HTML5 Copyright Mohit Muthanna 2010

This class implements dot modifiers for notes.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';

export class Dot extends Modifier {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'dots'; }

Arrange dots inside a ModifierContext.

  static format(dots, state) {
    const right_shift = state.right_shift;
    const dot_spacing = 1;

    if (!dots || dots.length === 0) return false;

    const dot_list = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < dots.length; ++i) {
      const dot = dots[i];
      const note = dot.getNote();

      let props;
      let shift;

Only StaveNote has .getKeyProps()

      if (typeof note.getKeyProps === 'function') {
        props = note.getKeyProps()[dot.getIndex()];
        shift = (props.displaced ? note.getExtraRightPx() : 0);
      } else { // Else it's a TabNote
        props = { line: 0.5 }; // Shim key props for dot placement
        shift = 0;

      dot_list.push({ line: props.line, shift, note, dot });

Sort dots by line number.

    dot_list.sort((a, b) => b.line - a.line);

    let dot_shift = right_shift;
    let x_width = 0;
    let last_line = null;
    let last_note = null;
    let prev_dotted_space = null;
    let half_shiftY = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < dot_list.length; ++i) {
      const { dot, note, shift, line } = dot_list[i];

Reset the position of the dot every line.

      if (line !== last_line || note !== last_note) {
        dot_shift = shift;

      if (!note.isRest() && line !== last_line) {
        if (Math.abs(line % 1) === 0.5) {

note is on a space, so no dot shift

          half_shiftY = 0;
        } else if (!note.isRest()) {

note is on a line, so shift dot to space above the line

          half_shiftY = 0.5;
          if (last_note != null &&
              !last_note.isRest() && last_line - line === 0.5) {

previous note on a space, so shift dot to space below the line

            half_shiftY = -0.5;
          } else if (line + half_shiftY === prev_dotted_space) {

previous space is dotted, so shift dot to space below the line

            half_shiftY = -0.5;

convert half_shiftY to a multiplier for dots.draw()

      dot.dot_shiftY = -half_shiftY;
      prev_dotted_space = line + half_shiftY;

      dot_shift += dot.getWidth() + dot_spacing; // spacing
      x_width = (dot_shift > x_width) ? dot_shift : x_width;
      last_line = line;
      last_note = note;

Update state.

    state.right_shift += x_width;
    return true;

   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    this.attrs.type = 'Dot';

    this.note = null;
    this.index = null;
    this.position = Modifier.Position.RIGHT;

    this.radius = 2;
    this.dot_shiftY = 0;

  getCategory() { return Dot.CATEGORY; }

  setNote(note) {
    this.note = note;

    if (this.note.getCategory() === 'gracenotes') {
      this.radius *= 0.50;

  setDotShiftY(y) { this.dot_shiftY = y; return this; }

  draw() {

    if (!this.note || this.index === null) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoAttachedNote', "Can't draw dot without a note and index.");

    const lineSpace = this.note.stave.options.spacing_between_lines_px;

    const start = this.note.getModifierStartXY(this.position, this.index);

Set the starting y coordinate to the base of the stem for TabNotes

    if (this.note.getCategory() === 'tabnotes') {
      start.y = this.note.getStemExtents().baseY;

    const x = (start.x + this.x_shift) + this.width - this.radius;
    const y = start.y + this.y_shift + (this.dot_shiftY * lineSpace);
    const ctx = this.context;

    ctx.arc(x, y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);