VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


This file implements text annotations as modifiers that can be attached to notes.

See tests/annotation_tests.js for usage examples.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';

To enable logging for this class. Set Vex.Flow.Annotation.DEBUG to true.

function L(...args) { if (Annotation.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.Annotation', args); }

export class Annotation extends Modifier {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'annotations'; }

Text annotations can be positioned and justified relative to the note.

  static get Justify() {
    return {
      LEFT: 1,
      CENTER: 2,
      RIGHT: 3,
      CENTER_STEM: 4,
  static get VerticalJustify() {
    return {
      TOP: 1,
      CENTER: 2,
      BOTTOM: 3,
      CENTER_STEM: 4,

Arrange annotations within a ModifierContext

  static format(annotations, state) {
    if (!annotations || annotations.length === 0) return false;

    let width = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) {
      const annotation = annotations[i];
      width = Math.max(annotation.getWidth(), width);
      if (annotation.getPosition() === Modifier.Position.ABOVE) {
      } else {

    state.left_shift += width / 2;
    state.right_shift += width / 2;
    return true;

Prototype Methods

Annotations inherit from Modifier and is positioned correctly when in a ModifierContext. Create a new Annotation with the string text.

  constructor(text) {
    this.attrs.type = 'Annotation';

    this.note = null;
    this.index = null;
    this.text = text;
    this.justification = Annotation.Justify.CENTER;
    this.vert_justification = Annotation.VerticalJustify.TOP;
    this.font = {
      family: 'Arial',
      size: 10,
      weight: '',

The default width is calculated from the text.


  getCategory() { return Annotation.CATEGORY; }

Set font family, size, and weight. E.g., Arial, 10pt, Bold.

  setFont(family, size, weight) {
    this.font = { family, size, weight };
    return this;

Set vertical position of text (above or below stave). just must be a value in Annotation.VerticalJustify.

  setVerticalJustification(just) {
    this.vert_justification = just;
    return this;

Get and set horizontal justification. justification is a value in Annotation.Justify.

  getJustification() { return this.justification; }
  setJustification(justification) {
    this.justification = justification;
    return this;

Render text beside the note.

  draw() {

    if (!this.note) {
      throw new Vex.RERR(
        'NoNoteForAnnotation', "Can't draw text annotation without an attached note."

    const start = this.note.getModifierStartXY(Modifier.Position.ABOVE,

We’re changing context parameters. Save current state.;
    this.context.setFont(, this.font.size, this.font.weight);
    const text_width = this.context.measureText(this.text).width;

Estimate text height to be the same as the width of an ‘m’.

This is a hack to work around the inability to measure text height in HTML5 Canvas (and SVG).

    const text_height = this.context.measureText('m').width;
    let x;
    let y;

    if (this.justification === Annotation.Justify.LEFT) {
      x = start.x;
    } else if (this.justification === Annotation.Justify.RIGHT) {
      x = start.x - text_width;
    } else if (this.justification === Annotation.Justify.CENTER) {
      x = start.x - text_width / 2;
    } else /* CENTER_STEM */ {
      x = this.note.getStemX() - text_width / 2;

    let stem_ext;
    let spacing;
    const has_stem = this.note.hasStem();
    const stave = this.note.getStave();

The position of the text varies based on whether or not the note has a stem.

    if (has_stem) {
      stem_ext = this.note.getStem().getExtents();
      spacing = stave.getSpacingBetweenLines();

    if (this.vert_justification === Annotation.VerticalJustify.BOTTOM) {

HACK: We need to compensate for the text’s height since its origin is bottom-right.

      y = stave.getYForBottomText(this.text_line + Flow.TEXT_HEIGHT_OFFSET_HACK);
      if (has_stem) {
        const stem_base = (this.note.getStemDirection() === 1 ? stem_ext.baseY : stem_ext.topY);
        y = Math.max(y, stem_base + (spacing * (this.text_line + 2)));
    } else if (this.vert_justification === Annotation.VerticalJustify.CENTER) {
      const yt = this.note.getYForTopText(this.text_line) - 1;
      const yb = stave.getYForBottomText(this.text_line);
      y = yt + (yb - yt) / 2 + text_height / 2;
    } else if (this.vert_justification === Annotation.VerticalJustify.TOP) {
      y = Math.min(stave.getYForTopText(this.text_line), this.note.getYs()[0] - 10);
      if (has_stem) {
        y = Math.min(y, (stem_ext.topY - 5) - (spacing * this.text_line));
    } else /* CENTER_STEM */{
      const extents = this.note.getStemExtents();
      y = extents.topY + (extents.baseY - extents.topY) / 2 +
        text_height / 2;

    L('Rendering annotation: ', this.text, x, y);
    this.context.fillText(this.text, x, y);