VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


The file implements notes for Tablature notation. This consists of one or more fret positions, and can either be drawn with or without stems.

See tests/tabnote_tests.js for usage examples

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';
import { Stem } from './stem';
import { StemmableNote } from './stemmablenote';
import { Dot } from './dot';
import { Glyph } from './glyph';

Gets the unused strings grouped together if consecutive.


function getUnusedStringGroups(num_lines, strings_used) {
  const stem_through = [];
  let group = [];
  for (let string = 1; string <= num_lines; string++) {
    const is_used = strings_used.indexOf(string) > -1;

    if (!is_used) {
    } else {
      group = [];
  if (group.length > 0) stem_through.push(group);

  return stem_through;

Gets groups of points that outline the partial stem lines between fret positions


function getPartialStemLines(stem_y, unused_strings, stave, stem_direction) {
  const up_stem = stem_direction !== 1;
  const down_stem = stem_direction !== -1;

  const line_spacing = stave.getSpacingBetweenLines();
  const total_lines = stave.getNumLines();

  const stem_lines = [];

  unused_strings.forEach(strings => {
    const containsLastString = strings.indexOf(total_lines) > -1;
    const containsFirstString =  strings.indexOf(1) > -1;

    if ((up_stem && containsFirstString) ||
       (down_stem && containsLastString)) {

If there’s only one string in the group, push a duplicate value. We do this because we need 2 strings to convert into upper/lower y values.

    if (strings.length === 1) {

    const line_ys = [];

Iterate through each group string and store it’s y position

    strings.forEach((string, index, strings) => {
      const isTopBound = string === 1;
      const isBottomBound = string === total_lines;

Get the y value for the appropriate staff line, we adjust for a 0 index array, since string numbers are index 1

      let y = stave.getYForLine(string - 1);

Unless the string is the first or last, add padding to each side of the line

      if (index === 0 && !isTopBound) {
        y -= line_spacing / 2 - 1;
      } else if (index === strings.length - 1 && !isBottomBound) {
        y += line_spacing / 2 - 1;

Store the y value


Store a subsequent y value connecting this group to the main stem above/below the stave if it’s the top/bottom string

      if (stem_direction === 1 && isTopBound) {
        line_ys.push(stem_y - 2);
      } else if (stem_direction === -1 && isBottomBound) {
        line_ys.push(stem_y + 2);

Add the sorted y values to the

    stem_lines.push(line_ys.sort((a, b) => a - b));

  return stem_lines;

export class TabNote extends StemmableNote {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'tabnotes'; }

Initialize the TabNote with a tab_struct full of properties and whether to draw_stem when rendering the note

  constructor(tab_struct, draw_stem) {
    this.setAttribute('type', 'TabNote');

    this.ghost = false; // Renders parenthesis around notes

Note properties

The fret positions in the note. An array of { str: X, fret: X }

    this.positions = tab_struct.positions;

Render Options

    Vex.Merge(this.render_options, {

font size for note heads and rests

      glyph_font_scale: Flow.DEFAULT_TABLATURE_FONT_SCALE,

Flag to draw a stem


Flag to draw dot modifiers

      draw_dots: draw_stem,

Flag to extend the main stem through the stave and fret positions

      draw_stem_through_stave: false,

vertical shift from stave line

      y_shift: 0,

normal glyph scale

      scale: 1.0,

default tablature font

      font: '10pt Arial',

    this.glyph = Flow.durationToGlyph(this.duration, this.noteType);

    if (!this.glyph) {
      throw new Vex.RuntimeError(
        `Invalid note initialization data (No glyph found): ${JSON.stringify(tab_struct)}`


    if (tab_struct.stem_direction) {
    } else {

Renders parenthesis around notes

    this.ghost = false;

The ModifierContext category

  getCategory() { return TabNote.CATEGORY; }

Set as ghost TabNote, surrounds the fret positions with parenthesis. Often used for indicating frets that are being bent to

  setGhost(ghost) {
    this.ghost = ghost;
    return this;

Determine if the note has a stem

  hasStem() { return this.render_options.draw_stem; }

Get the default stem extension for the note

  getStemExtension() {
    const glyph = this.getGlyph();

    if (this.stem_extension_override != null) {
      return this.stem_extension_override;

    if (glyph) {
      return this.getStemDirection() === 1
        ? glyph.tabnote_stem_up_extension
        : glyph.tabnote_stem_down_extension;

    return 0;

Add a dot to the note

  addDot() {
    const dot = new Dot();
    this.dots += 1;
    return this.addModifier(dot, 0);

Calculate and store the width of the note

  updateWidth() {
    this.glyphs = [];
    this.width = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.positions.length; ++i) {
      let fret = this.positions[i].fret;
      if (this.ghost) fret = '(' + fret + ')';
      const glyph = Flow.tabToGlyph(fret, this.render_options.scale);
      this.width = Math.max(glyph.getWidth(), this.width);

For some reason we associate a notehead glyph with a TabNote, and this glyph is used for certain width calculations. Of course, this is totally incorrect since a notehead is a poor approximation for the dimensions of a fret number which can have multiple digits. As a result, we must overwrite getWidth() to return the correct width

    this.glyph.getWidth = () => this.width;

Set the stave to the note

  setStave(stave) {
    this.context = stave.context;

Calculate the fret number width based on font used

    let i;
    if (this.context) {
      const ctx = this.context;
      this.width = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < this.glyphs.length; ++i) {
        const glyph = this.glyphs[i];
        const text = '' + glyph.text;
        if (text.toUpperCase() !== 'X') {
          glyph.width = ctx.measureText(text).width;
          glyph.getWidth = () => glyph.width;
        this.width = Math.max(glyph.getWidth(), this.width);
      this.glyph.getWidth = () => this.width;

we subtract 1 from line because getYForLine expects a 0-based index, while the position.str is a 1-based index

    const ys ={ str: line }) => stave.getYForLine(line - 1));


    if (this.stem) {
      this.stem.setYBounds(this.getStemY(), this.getStemY());

    return this;

Get the fret positions for the note

  getPositions() { return this.positions; }

Add self to the provided modifier context mc

  addToModifierContext(mc) {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.modifiers.length; ++i) {
    this.preFormatted = false;
    return this;

Get the x coordinate to the right of the note

  getTieRightX() {
    let tieStartX = this.getAbsoluteX();
    const note_glyph_width = this.glyph.getWidth();
    tieStartX += note_glyph_width / 2;
    tieStartX += (-this.width / 2) + this.width + 2;

    return tieStartX;

Get the x coordinate to the left of the note

  getTieLeftX() {
    let tieEndX = this.getAbsoluteX();
    const note_glyph_width = this.glyph.getWidth();
    tieEndX += note_glyph_width / 2;
    tieEndX -= (this.width / 2) + 2;

    return tieEndX;

Get the default x and y coordinates for a modifier at a specific position at a fret position index

  getModifierStartXY(position, index) {
    if (!this.preFormatted) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('UnformattedNote', "Can't call GetModifierStartXY on an unformatted note");

    if (this.ys.length === 0) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoYValues', 'No Y-Values calculated for this note.');

    let x = 0;
    if (position === Modifier.Position.LEFT) {
      x = -1 * 2;  // extra_left_px
    } else if (position === Modifier.Position.RIGHT) {
      x = this.width + 2; // extra_right_px
    } else if (position === Modifier.Position.BELOW || position === Modifier.Position.ABOVE) {
      const note_glyph_width = this.glyph.getWidth();
      x = note_glyph_width / 2;

    return {
      x: this.getAbsoluteX() + x,
      y: this.ys[index],

Get the default line for rest

  getLineForRest() { return this.positions[0].str; }

Pre-render formatting

  preFormat() {
    if (this.preFormatted) return;
    if (this.modifierContext) this.modifierContext.preFormat();

width is already set during init()


Get the x position for the stem

  getStemX() { return this.getCenterGlyphX(); }

Get the y position for the stem

  getStemY() {
    const num_lines = this.stave.getNumLines();

The decimal staff line amounts provide optimal spacing between the fret number and the stem

    const stemUpLine = -0.5;
    const stemDownLine = num_lines - 0.5;
    const stemStartLine = Stem.UP === this.stem_direction ? stemUpLine : stemDownLine;

    return this.stave.getYForLine(stemStartLine);

Get the stem extents for the tabnote

  getStemExtents() {
    return this.stem.getExtents();

Draw the fal onto the context

  drawFlag() {
    const {
      beam, glyph, context, stem, stem_direction,
      render_options: { draw_stem, glyph_font_scale },
    } = this;

    const shouldDrawFlag = beam == null && draw_stem;

Now it’s the flag’s turn.

    if (glyph.flag && shouldDrawFlag) {
      const flag_x = this.getStemX() + 1;
      const flag_y = this.getStemY() - stem.getHeight();

      const flag_code = stem_direction === Stem.DOWN
        ? glyph.code_flag_downstem // Down stems have flags on the left.
        : glyph.code_flag_upstem;

Draw the Flag

      Glyph.renderGlyph(context, flag_x, flag_y, glyph_font_scale, flag_code);

Render the modifiers onto the context

  drawModifiers() {

Draw the modifiers

    this.modifiers.forEach((modifier) => {

Only draw the dots if enabled

      if (modifier.getCategory() === 'dots' && !this.render_options.draw_dots) return;


Render the stem extension through the fret positions

  drawStemThrough() {
    const stem_x = this.getStemX();
    const stem_y = this.getStemY();
    const ctx = this.context;

    const stem_through = this.render_options.draw_stem_through_stave;
    const draw_stem = this.render_options.draw_stem;
    if (draw_stem && stem_through) {
      const total_lines = this.stave.getNumLines();
      const strings_used = => position.str);

      const unused_strings = getUnusedStringGroups(total_lines, strings_used);
      const stem_lines = getPartialStemLines(
      stem_lines.forEach(bounds => {
        if (bounds.length === 0) return;

        ctx.moveTo(stem_x, bounds[0]);
        ctx.lineTo(stem_x, bounds[bounds.length - 1]);

Render the fret positions onto the context

  drawPositions() {
    const ctx = this.context;
    const x = this.getAbsoluteX();
    const ys = this.ys;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.positions.length; ++i) {
      const y = ys[i] + this.render_options.y_shift;
      const glyph = this.glyphs[i];

Center the fret text beneath the notation note head

      const note_glyph_width = this.glyph.getWidth();
      const tab_x = x + (note_glyph_width / 2) - (glyph.getWidth() / 2);

FIXME: Magic numbers.

      ctx.clearRect(tab_x - 2, y - 3, glyph.getWidth() + 4, 6);

      if (glyph.code) {
        Glyph.renderGlyph(ctx, tab_x, y,
          this.render_options.glyph_font_scale * this.render_options.scale,
      } else {;
        const text = glyph.text.toString();
        ctx.fillText(text, tab_x, y + 5 * this.render_options.scale);

The main rendering function for the entire note

  draw() {

    if (!this.stave) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoStave', "Can't draw without a stave.");

    if (this.ys.length === 0) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoYValues', "Can't draw note without Y values.");

    const render_stem = this.beam == null && this.render_options.draw_stem;


    const stem_x = this.getStemX();

    this.stem.setNoteHeadXBounds(stem_x, stem_x);

    if (render_stem) {
      this.context.openGroup('stem', null, { pointerBBox: true });
