VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010.


Support for different rendering contexts: Canvas, Raphael

/* global document: false */

import { CanvasContext } from './canvascontext';
import { RaphaelContext } from './raphaelcontext';
import { SVGContext } from './svgcontext';
import { Vex } from './vex';

let lastContext = null;

export class Renderer {
  static get Backends() {
    return {
      CANVAS: 1,
      RAPHAEL: 2,
      SVG: 3,
      VML: 4,

End of line types

  static get LineEndType() {
    return {
      NONE: 1, // No leg
      UP: 2,   // Upward leg
      DOWN: 3, // Downward leg

Set this to true if you’re using VexFlow inside a runtime that does not allow modifiying canvas objects. There is a small performance degradation due to the extra indirection.

  static get USE_CANVAS_PROXY() {
    return false;

  static get lastContext() {
    return lastContext;
  static set lastContext(ctx) {
    lastContext = ctx;

  static buildContext(sel, backend, width, height, background) {
    const renderer = new Renderer(sel, backend);
    if (width && height) { renderer.resize(width, height); }

    if (!background) background = '#FFF';
    const ctx = renderer.getContext();
    Renderer.lastContext = ctx;
    return ctx;

  static getCanvasContext(sel, width, height, background) {
    return Renderer.buildContext(sel, Renderer.Backends.CANVAS, width, height, background);

  static getRaphaelContext(sel, width, height, background) {
    return Renderer.buildContext(sel, Renderer.Backends.RAPHAEL, width, height, background);

  static getSVGContext(sel, width, height, background) {
    return Renderer.buildContext(sel, Renderer.Backends.SVG, width, height, background);

  static bolsterCanvasContext(ctx) {
    if (Renderer.USE_CANVAS_PROXY) {
      return new CanvasContext(ctx);

    const methodNames = [
      'clear', 'setFont', 'setRawFont', 'setFillStyle', 'setBackgroundFillStyle',
      'setStrokeStyle', 'setShadowColor', 'setShadowBlur', 'setLineWidth',
      'setLineCap', 'setLineDash', 'openGroup', 'closeGroup', 'getGroup',

    ctx.vexFlowCanvasContext = ctx;

    methodNames.forEach(methodName => {
      ctx[methodName] = ctx[methodName] || CanvasContext.prototype[methodName];

    return ctx;

Draw a dashed line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal dashPattern = [3,3] draws a 3 pixel dash followed by a three pixel space. setting the second number to 0 draws a solid line.

  static drawDashedLine(context, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, dashPattern) {

    const dx = toX - fromX;
    const dy = toY - fromY;
    const angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
    let x = fromX;
    let y = fromY;
    context.moveTo(fromX, fromY);
    let idx = 0;
    let draw = true;
    while (!((dx < 0 ? x <= toX : x >= toX) && (dy < 0 ? y <= toY : y >= toY))) {
      const dashLength = dashPattern[idx++ % dashPattern.length];
      const nx = x + (Math.cos(angle) * dashLength);
      x = dx < 0 ? Math.max(toX, nx) : Math.min(toX, nx);
      const ny = y + (Math.sin(angle) * dashLength);
      y = dy < 0 ? Math.max(toY, ny) : Math.min(toY, ny);
      if (draw) {
        context.lineTo(x, y);
      } else {
        context.moveTo(x, y);
      draw = !draw;


  constructor(sel, backend) {

Verify selector

    this.sel = sel;
    if (!this.sel) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('BadArgument', 'Invalid selector for renderer.');

Get element from selector

    this.element = document.getElementById(sel);
    if (!this.element) this.element = sel;

Verify backend and create context

    this.ctx = null;
    this.paper = null;
    this.backend = backend;
    if (this.backend === Renderer.Backends.CANVAS) {

Create context.

      if (!this.element.getContext) {
        throw new Vex.RERR('BadElement', `Can't get canvas context from element: ${sel}`);
      this.ctx = Renderer.bolsterCanvasContext(this.element.getContext('2d'));
    } else if (this.backend === Renderer.Backends.RAPHAEL) {
      this.ctx = new RaphaelContext(this.element);
    } else if (this.backend === Renderer.Backends.SVG) {
      this.ctx = new SVGContext(this.element);
    } else {
      throw new Vex.RERR('InvalidBackend', `No support for backend: ${this.backend}`);

  resize(width, height) {
    if (this.backend === Renderer.Backends.CANVAS) {
      if (!this.element.getContext) {
        throw new Vex.RERR('BadElement', `Can't get canvas context from element: ${this.sel}`);
      this.element.width = width;
      this.element.height = height;
      this.ctx = Renderer.bolsterCanvasContext(this.element.getContext('2d'));
    } else {
      this.ctx.resize(width, height);

    return this;

  getContext() { return this.ctx; }