VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010. @author Mohit Cheppudira @author Greg Ristow (modifications)
This file implements accidentals as modifiers that can be attached to notes. Support is included for both western and microtonal accidentals.
See tests/accidental_tests.js
for usage examples.
import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Fraction } from './fraction';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { Music } from './music';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';
import { Glyph } from './glyph';
To enable logging for this class. Set Vex.Flow.Accidental.DEBUG
to true
function L(...args) { if (Accidental.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.Accidental', args); }
An Accidental
inherits from Modifier
, and is formatted within a
export class Accidental extends Modifier {
static get CATEGORY() { return 'accidentals'; }
Arrange accidentals inside a ModifierContext.
static format(accidentals, state) {
const leftShift = state.left_shift;
const accidentalSpacing = 2;
If there are no accidentals, we needn’t format their positions
if (!accidentals || accidentals.length === 0) return;
const accList = [];
let prevNote = null;
let shiftL = 0;
First determine the accidentals’ Y positions from the note.keys
let propsTemp;
for (let i = 0; i < accidentals.length; ++i) {
const acc = accidentals[i];
const note = acc.getNote();
const stave = note.getStave();
const props = note.getKeyProps()[acc.getIndex()];
if (note !== prevNote) {
Iterate through all notes to get the displaced pixels
for (let n = 0; n < note.keys.length; ++n) {
propsTemp = note.getKeyProps()[n];
shiftL = propsTemp.displaced ? note.getExtraLeftPx() : shiftL;
prevNote = note;
if (stave !== null) {
const lineSpace = stave.options.spacing_between_lines_px;
const y = stave.getYForLine(props.line);
const accLine = Math.round(y / lineSpace * 2) / 2;
accList.push({ y, line: accLine, shift: shiftL, acc, lineSpace });
} else {
accList.push({ line: props.line, shift: shiftL, acc });
Sort accidentals by line number.
accList.sort((a, b) => b.line - a.line);
FIXME: Confusing name. Each object in this array has a property called line
So if this is a list of lines, you end up with: line.line
which is very awkward.
const lineList = [];
amount by which all accidentals must be shifted right or left for stem flipping, notehead shifting concerns.
let accShift = 0;
let previousLine = null;
Create an array of unique line numbers (lineList) from accList
for (let i = 0; i < accList.length; i++) {
const acc = accList[i];
if this is the first line, or a new line, add a lineList
if (previousLine === null || previousLine !== acc.line) {
line: acc.line,
flatLine: true,
dblSharpLine: true,
numAcc: 0,
width: 0,
if this accidental is not a flat, the accidental needs 3.0 lines lower clearance instead of 2.5 lines for b or bb. FIXME: Naming could use work. acc.acc is very awkward
if (acc.acc.type !== 'b' && acc.acc.type !== 'bb') {
lineList[lineList.length - 1].flatLine = false;
if this accidental is not a double sharp, the accidental needs 3.0 lines above
if (acc.acc.type !== '##') {
lineList[lineList.length - 1].dblSharpLine = false;
Track how many accidentals are on this line:
lineList[lineList.length - 1].numAcc++;
Track the total x_offset needed for this line which will be needed for formatting lines w/ multiple accidentals:
width = accidental width + universal spacing between accidentals
lineList[lineList.length - 1].width += acc.acc.getWidth() + accidentalSpacing;
if this accShift is larger, use it to keep first column accidentals in the same line
accShift = acc.shift > accShift ? acc.shift : accShift;
previousLine = acc.line;
Default to a classic triangular layout (middle accidental farthest left), but follow exceptions as outlined in G. Read’s Music Notation and Elaine Gould’s Behind Bars.
Additionally, this implements different vertical collision rules for flats (only need 2.5 lines clearance below) and double sharps (only need 2.5 lines of clearance above or below).
Classic layouts and exception patterns are found in the ‘tables.js’ in ‘Vex.Flow.accidentalColumnsTable’
Beyond 6 vertical accidentals, default to the parallel ascending lines approach, using as few columns as possible for the verticle structure.
TODO (?): Allow column to be specified for an accidental at run-time?
let totalColumns = 0;
establish the boundaries for a group of notes with clashing accidentals:
for (let i = 0; i < lineList.length; i++) {
let noFurtherConflicts = false;
const groupStart = i;
let groupEnd = i;
while (groupEnd + 1 < lineList.length && !noFurtherConflicts) {
if this note conflicts with the next:
if (this.checkCollision(lineList[groupEnd], lineList[groupEnd + 1])) {
include the next note in the group:
} else {
noFurtherConflicts = true;
Gets an a line from the lineList
, relative to the current group
const getGroupLine = (index) => lineList[groupStart + index];
const getGroupLines = (indexes) =>;
const lineDifference = (indexA, indexB) => {
const [a, b] = getGroupLines([indexA, indexB]).map(item => item.line);
return a - b;
const notColliding = (...indexPairs) =>
.every(lines => !this.checkCollision(...lines));
Set columns for the lines in this group:
const groupLength = groupEnd - groupStart + 1;
Set the accidental column for each line of the group
let endCase = this.checkCollision(lineList[groupStart], lineList[groupEnd]) ? 'a' : 'b';
switch (groupLength) {
case 3:
if (endCase === 'a' && lineDifference(1, 2) === 0.5 && lineDifference(0, 1) !== 0.5) {
endCase = 'second_on_bottom';
case 4:
if (notColliding([0, 2], [1, 3])) {
endCase = 'spaced_out_tetrachord';
case 5:
if (endCase === 'b' && notColliding([1, 3])) {
endCase = 'spaced_out_pentachord';
if (notColliding([0, 2], [2, 4])) {
endCase = 'very_spaced_out_pentachord';
case 6:
if (notColliding([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5])) {
endCase = 'spaced_out_hexachord';
if (notColliding([0, 2], [2, 4], [1, 3], [3, 5])) {
endCase = 'very_spaced_out_hexachord';
let groupMember;
let column;
If the group contains more than seven members, use ascending parallel lines of accidentals, using as few columns as possible while avoiding collisions.
if (groupLength >= 7) {
First, determine how many columns to use:
let patternLength = 2;
let collisionDetected = true;
while (collisionDetected === true) {
collisionDetected = false;
for (let line = 0; line + patternLength < lineList.length; line++) {
if (this.checkCollision(lineList[line], lineList[line + patternLength])) {
collisionDetected = true;
Then, assign a column to each line of accidentals
for (groupMember = i; groupMember <= groupEnd; groupMember++) {
column = ((groupMember - i) % patternLength) + 1;
lineList[groupMember].column = column;
totalColumns = (totalColumns > column) ? totalColumns : column;
Otherwise, if the group contains fewer than seven members, use the layouts from the accidentalsColumnsTable housed in tables.js.
} else {
for (groupMember = i; groupMember <= groupEnd; groupMember++) {
column = Flow.accidentalColumnsTable[groupLength][endCase][groupMember - i];
lineList[groupMember].column = column;
totalColumns = (totalColumns > column) ? totalColumns : column;
Increment i to the last note that was set, so that if a lower set of notes does not conflict at all with this group, it can have its own classic shape.
i = groupEnd;
This keeps columns aligned, even if they have different accidentals within them which sometimes results in a larger x_offset than is an accidental might need to preserve the symmetry of the accidental shape.
Neither A.C. Vinci nor G. Read address this, and it typically only happens in music with complex chord clusters.
TODO (?): Optionally allow closer compression of accidentals, instead of forcing parallel columns.
track each column’s max width, which will be used as initial shift of later columns:
const columnWidths = [];
const columnXOffsets = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= totalColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = 0;
columnXOffsets[i] = 0;
columnWidths[0] = accShift + leftShift;
columnXOffsets[0] = accShift + leftShift;
Fill columnWidths with widest needed x-space; this is what keeps the columns parallel.
lineList.forEach(line => {
if (line.width > columnWidths[line.column]) columnWidths[line.column] = line.width;
for (let i = 1; i < columnWidths.length; i++) {
this column’s offset = this column’s width + previous column’s offset
columnXOffsets[i] = columnWidths[i] + columnXOffsets[i - 1];
const totalShift = columnXOffsets[columnXOffsets.length - 1];
Set the xShift for each accidental according to column offsets:
let accCount = 0;
lineList.forEach(line => {
let lineWidth = 0;
const lastAccOnLine = accCount + line.numAcc;
handle all of the accidentals on a given line:
for (accCount; accCount < lastAccOnLine; accCount++) {
const xShift = (columnXOffsets[line.column - 1] + lineWidth);
keep track of the width of accidentals we’ve added so far, so that when we loop, we add space for them.
lineWidth += accList[accCount].acc.getWidth() + accidentalSpacing;
L('Line, accCount, shift: ', line.line, accCount, xShift);
update the overall layout with the full width of the accidental shapes:
state.left_shift += totalShift;
Helper function to determine whether two lines of accidentals collide vertically
static checkCollision(line1, line2) {
let clearance = line2.line - line1.line;
let clearanceRequired = 3;
But less clearance is required for certain accidentals: b, bb and ##.
if (clearance > 0) { // then line 2 is on top
clearanceRequired = (line2.flatLine || line2.dblSharpLine) ? 2.5 : 3.0;
if (line1.dblSharpLine) clearance -= 0.5;
} else { // line 1 is on top
clearanceRequired = (line1.flatLine || line1.dblSharpLine) ? 2.5 : 3.0;
if (line2.dblSharpLine) clearance -= 0.5;
const collision = Math.abs(clearance) < clearanceRequired;
L('Line_1, Line_2, Collision: ', line1.line, line2.line, collision);
return collision;
Use this method to automatically apply accidentals to a set of voices
The accidentals will be remembered between all the voices provided.
Optionally, you can also provide an initial keySignature
static applyAccidentals(voices, keySignature) {
const tickPositions = [];
const tickNoteMap = {};
Sort the tickables in each voice by their tick position in the voice
voices.forEach(voice => {
const tickPosition = new Fraction(0, 1);
const notes = voice.getTickables();
notes.forEach(note => {
const notesAtPosition = tickNoteMap[tickPosition.value()];
if (!notesAtPosition) {
tickNoteMap[tickPosition.value()] = [note];
} else {
const music = new Music();
Default key signature is C major
if (!keySignature) keySignature = 'C';
Get the scale map, which represents the current state of each pitch
const scaleMap = music.createScaleMap(keySignature);
tickPositions.forEach(tick => {
const notes = tickNoteMap[tick];
Array to store all pitches that modified accidental states at this tick position
const modifiedPitches = [];
notes.forEach(note => {
if (note.isRest()) return;
Go through each key and determine if an accidental should be applied
note.keys.forEach((keyString, keyIndex) => {
const key = music.getNoteParts(keyString.split('/')[0]);
Force a natural for every key without an accidental
const accidentalString = key.accidental || 'n';
const pitch = key.root + accidentalString;
Determine if the current pitch has the same accidental as the scale state
const sameAccidental = scaleMap[key.root] === pitch;
Determine if an identical pitch in the chord already modified the accidental state
const previouslyModified = modifiedPitches.indexOf(pitch) > -1;
Add the accidental to the StaveNote
if (!sameAccidental || (sameAccidental && previouslyModified)) {
Modify the scale map so that the root pitch has an updated state
scaleMap[key.root] = pitch;
Create the accidental
const accidental = new Accidental(accidentalString);
Attach the accidental to the StaveNote
note.addAccidental(keyIndex, accidental);
Add the pitch to list of pitches that modified accidentals
Create accidental. type
can be a value from the
table in tables.js
. For
example: #
, ##
, b
, n
, etc.
constructor(type = null) {
this.attrs.type = 'Accidental';
L('New accidental: ', type);
this.note = null;
The index
points to a specific note in a chord.
this.index = null;
this.type = type;
this.position = Modifier.Position.LEFT;
this.render_options = {
Font size for glyphs
font_scale: 38,
Length of stroke across heads above or below the stave.
stroke_px: 3,
this.accidental = Flow.accidentalCodes(this.type);
if (!this.accidental) {
throw new Vex.RERR('ArgumentError', `Unknown accidental type: ${type}`);
Cautionary accidentals have parentheses around them
this.cautionary = false;
this.parenLeft = null;
this.parenRight = null;
Initial width is set from table.
getCategory() { return Accidental.CATEGORY; }
Attach this accidental to note
, which must be a StaveNote
setNote(note) {
if (!note) {
throw new Vex.RERR('ArgumentError', `Bad note value: ${note}`);
this.note = note;
Accidentals attached to grace notes are rendered smaller.
if (this.note.getCategory() === 'gracenotes') {
this.render_options.font_scale = 25;
If called, draws parenthesis around accidental.
setAsCautionary() {
this.cautionary = true;
this.render_options.font_scale = 28;
this.parenLeft = Flow.accidentalCodes('{');
this.parenRight = Flow.accidentalCodes('}');
const widthAdjust = (this.type === '##' || this.type === 'bb') ? 6 : 4;
Make sure width
accomodates for parentheses.
+ this.accidental.width
+ this.parenRight.width
- widthAdjust
return this;
Render accidental onto canvas.
draw() {
const {
type, position, note, index, cautionary,
x_shift, y_shift, width,
accidental, parenLeft, parenRight,
render_options: { font_scale },
} = this;
if (!(note && (index != null))) {
throw new Vex.RERR('NoAttachedNote', "Can't draw accidental without a note and index.");
Figure out the start x
and y
coordinates for note and index.
const start = note.getModifierStartXY(position, index);
let accX = ((start.x + x_shift) - width);
const accY = start.y + y_shift;
L('Rendering: ', type, accX, accY);
const renderGlyphToContext = Glyph.renderGlyph.bind(null, context);
if (!cautionary) {
Render the accidental alone.
renderGlyphToContext(accX, accY, font_scale, accidental.code);
} else {
Render the accidental in parentheses.
accX += 3;
renderGlyphToContext(accX, accY, font_scale, parenLeft.code);
accX += 2;
renderGlyphToContext(accX, accY, font_scale, accidental.code);
accX += accidental.width - 2;
if (type === '##' || type === 'bb') accX -= 2;
renderGlyphToContext(accX, accY, font_scale, parenRight.code);