VexFlow - Copyright (c) Mohit Muthanna 2010. Author: Larry Kuhns.


This file implements articulations and accents as modifiers that can be attached to notes. The complete list of articulations is available in tables.js under Vex.Flow.articulationCodes.

See tests/articulation_tests.js for usage examples.

import { Vex } from './vex';
import { Flow } from './tables';
import { Modifier } from './modifier';
import { Glyph } from './glyph';
import { Stem } from './stem';

To enable logging for this class. Set Vex.Flow.Articulation.DEBUG to true.

function L(...args) { if (Articulation.DEBUG) Vex.L('Vex.Flow.Articulation', args); }

const { ABOVE, BELOW } = Modifier.Position;

const roundToNearestHalf = (mathFn, value) => mathFn(value / 0.5) * 0.5;

This includes both staff and ledger lines

const isWithinLines = (line, position) => position === ABOVE ? line <= 5 : line >= 1;

const getRoundingFunction = (line, position) => {
  if (isWithinLines(line, position)) {
    if (position === ABOVE) {
      return Math.ceil;
    } else {
      return Math.floor;
  } else {
    return Math.round;

const snapLineToStaff = (canSitBetweenLines, line, position, offsetDirection) => {

Initially, snap to nearest staff line or space

  const snappedLine = roundToNearestHalf(getRoundingFunction(line, position), line);
  const canSnapToStaffSpace = canSitBetweenLines && isWithinLines(snappedLine, position);
  const onStaffLine = snappedLine % 1 === 0;

  if (canSnapToStaffSpace && onStaffLine) {
    const HALF_STAFF_SPACE = 0.5;
    return snappedLine + (HALF_STAFF_SPACE * -offsetDirection);
  } else {
    return snappedLine;

const getTopY = (note, textLine) => {
  const stave = note.getStave();
  const stemDirection = note.getStemDirection();
  const { topY: stemTipY, baseY: stemBaseY } = note.getStemExtents();

  if (note.getCategory() === 'stavenotes') {
    if (note.hasStem()) {
      if (stemDirection === Stem.UP) {
        return stemTipY;
      } else {
        return stemBaseY;
    } else {
      return Math.min(...note.getYs());
  } else if (note.getCategory() === 'tabnotes') {
    if (note.hasStem()) {
      if (stemDirection === Stem.UP) {
        return stemTipY;
      } else {
        return stave.getYForTopText(textLine);
    } else {
      return stave.getYForTopText(textLine);
  } else {
    throw new Vex.RERR(
      'UnknownCategory', 'Only can get the top and bottom ys of stavenotes and tabnotes'

const getBottomY = (note, textLine) => {
  const stave = note.getStave();
  const stemDirection = note.getStemDirection();
  const { topY: stemTipY, baseY: stemBaseY } = note.getStemExtents();

  if (note.getCategory() === 'stavenotes') {
    if (note.hasStem()) {
      if (stemDirection === Stem.UP) {
        return stemBaseY;
      } else {
        return stemTipY;
    } else {
      return Math.max(...note.getYs());
  } else if (note.getCategory() === 'tabnotes') {
    if (note.hasStem()) {
      if (stemDirection === Stem.UP) {
        return stave.getYForBottomText(textLine);
      } else {
        return stemTipY;
    } else {
      return stave.getYForBottomText(textLine);
  } else {
    throw new Vex.RERR(
      'UnknownCategory', 'Only can get the top and bottom ys of stavenotes and tabnotes'

Gets the initial offset of the articulation from the y value of the starting position. This is required because the top/bottom text positions already have spacing applied to provide a “visually pleasent” default position. However the y values provided from the stavenote’s top/bottom do not have any pre-applied spacing. This function normalizes this asymmetry.

const getInitialOffset = (note, position) => {
  const isOnStemTip = (
    (position === ABOVE && note.getStemDirection() === Stem.UP) ||
    (position === BELOW && note.getStemDirection() === Stem.DOWN)

  if (note.getCategory() === 'stavenotes') {
    if (note.hasStem() && isOnStemTip) {
      return 0.5;
    } else {

this amount is larger than the stem-tip offset because we start from the center of the notehead

      return 1;
  } else {
    if (note.hasStem() && isOnStemTip) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;

export class Articulation extends Modifier {
  static get CATEGORY() { return 'articulations'; }
  static get INITIAL_OFFSET() { return -0.5; }

FIXME: Most of the complex formatting logic (ie: snapping to space) is actually done in .render(). But that logic belongs in this method.

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible because, by this point, stem lengths have not yet been finalized. Finalized stem lengths are required to determine the initial position of any stem-side articulation.

This indicates that all objects should have their stave set before being formatted. It can’t be an optional if you want accurate vertical positioning. Consistently positioned articulations that play nice with other modifiers won’t be possible until we stop relying on render-time formatting.

Ideally, when this function has completed, the vertical articulation positions should be ready to render without further adjustment. But the current state is far from this ideal.

  static format(articulations, state) {
    if (!articulations || articulations.length === 0) return false;

    const isAbove = artic => artic.getPosition() === ABOVE;
    const isBelow = artic => artic.getPosition() === BELOW;
    const margin = 0.5;
    const getIncrement = (articulation, line, position) =>
        getRoundingFunction(line, position),
        (articulation.glyph.getMetrics().height / 10) + margin

      .forEach(articulation => {
        state.top_text_line += getIncrement(articulation, state.top_text_line, ABOVE);

      .forEach(articulation => {
        state.text_line += getIncrement(articulation, state.text_line, BELOW);

    const width = articulations
      .map(articulation => articulation.getWidth())
      .reduce((maxWidth, articWidth) => Math.max(articWidth, maxWidth));

    state.left_shift += width / 2;
    state.right_shift += width / 2;
    return true;

Create a new articulation of type type, which is an entry in Vex.Flow.articulationCodes in tables.js.

  constructor(type) {
    this.attrs.type = 'Articulation';

    this.note = null;
    this.index = null;
    this.type = type;
    this.position = BELOW;
    this.render_options = {
      font_scale: 38,

    this.articulation = Flow.articulationCodes(this.type);
    if (!this.articulation) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('ArgumentError', `Articulation not found: ${this.type}`);

    this.glyph = new Glyph(this.articulation.code, this.render_options.font_scale);


  getCategory() { return Articulation.CATEGORY; }

Render articulation in position next to note.

  draw() {
    const {
      note, index, position, glyph,
      articulation: { between_lines: canSitBetweenLines },
      text_line: textLine,
      context: ctx,
    } = this;


    if (!note || index == null) {
      throw new Vex.RERR('NoAttachedNote', "Can't draw Articulation without a note and index.");

    const stave = note.getStave();
    const staffSpace = stave.getSpacingBetweenLines();
    const isTab = note.getCategory() === 'tabnotes';

Articulations are centered over/under the note head.

    const { x } = note.getModifierStartXY(position, index);
    const shouldSitOutsideStaff = !canSitBetweenLines || isTab;

    const initialOffset = getInitialOffset(note, position);

    let y = {
      [ABOVE]: () => {
        glyph.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
        const y = getTopY(note, textLine) - ((textLine + initialOffset) * staffSpace);
        return shouldSitOutsideStaff
          ? Math.min(stave.getYForTopText(Articulation.INITIAL_OFFSET), y)
          : y;
      [BELOW]: () => {
        glyph.setOrigin(0.5, 0);
        const y = getBottomY(note, textLine) + ((textLine + initialOffset) * staffSpace);
        return shouldSitOutsideStaff
          ? Math.max(stave.getYForBottomText(Articulation.INITIAL_OFFSET), y)
          : y;

    if (!isTab) {
      const offsetDirection = position === ABOVE ? -1 : +1;
      const noteLine = isTab ? note.positions[index].str : note.getKeyProps()[index].line;
      const distanceFromNote = (note.getYs()[index] - y) / staffSpace;
      const articLine = distanceFromNote + noteLine;
      const snappedLine = snapLineToStaff(canSitBetweenLines, articLine, position, offsetDirection);

      if (isWithinLines(snappedLine, position)) glyph.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5);

      y += Math.abs(snappedLine - articLine) * staffSpace * offsetDirection;

    L(`Rendering articulation at (x: ${x}, y: ${y})`);

    glyph.render(ctx, x, y);